Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tenacity to Live

Even if the walls come tumbling down,
Even if the waves come falling down,
You push on. You stay strong. You carry on.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A touch, that was all I was.

Terra Incognizant

You would think by now, I would know my way around,
I shouldn't miss you so badly, I should be on familiar ground.
How many more lonely years, must meander by,
until I learn the lesson, it does no good to cry.
What manner of iron will, must some people possess,
to be always looking forward, to never accept regress.
Perhaps if I was willing, to let someone take me by the hand,
they could show me a happy place, in this unfamiliar land.
Perhaps I'm only homesick, for all the joys that once were mine,
I must accept that they and you, belong to another place and time.
But I know that deep within my heart, there's a place where only you reside,
and when the pain of loneliness comes, it knows that is where I hide.
So if sometimes it seems to you, I'm clinging to the past,
it's mostly because I can't yet accept, that our love didn't last.
No matter how hard I try, I've yet to get over you,
for the part of me that's still alive, believes you love me too.
Maybe there will come a day, when that part will finally die,
and feeling strong with a heart reborn, a new love I will finally try.
And what a splendid day that will be, when I awaken to discover,
I'm happily learning a great new land, with a great new friend and lover.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Random Ramblings

Many people come and go.
Treasure them coz you never know.

A plethora of opportunities, yet lady luck aint smiling at all.
In order to make it, you have to have countless falls.

It takes more than just effort , it's a mind over matter issue.
Better realise that before you are overdue.

It's gonna get tougher, harder and complex
You just have to be wise and use durex.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Impressions

Disclaimer: Excuse me if this post offends you, no pun intended.

I'm gonna touch on the topic of First Impressions. They say first impressions are important and whatever that comes after not so. This is very true. In this current age/society, people are looking for the "perfect" deal (in other words, the cream of the crop). No matter how good you are at something, they will not be enticed by your talent a single bit lest you have the "package" model in you. What I mean by the "package" would be good looks, an outspoken personality (crowd-pleaser) and.. thats pretty much it. It's no longer about your talent or how good you are. This is a saddening fact that certain people are not being recognized for what they do. It's not about how cool you look or the numbers. It's about enjoying what you do. Not for the dollars or the chicks, but simply the passion. All the commercialized bullshit is crossing out the talent that exists. There is but one fact - the world's a stage and all the people, judges. No, there ain't no second chances, you only got one shot and if you lose it, you lose it forever. Cruel but true.