Monday, June 29, 2009

Because it is I

As I mozilla-ed aimlessly, I read a previous post in my blog.

"Do not be afraid or wary of your future. I have it all planned down , every single instance. Instead , put trust in me for I only give the best to you, my child. Do not give up , for the times of adversity are there to strengthen you.You may not see what I'm trying to convey now, but you'll reap the results in due time. Do not give in to temptations, for Satan has schemingly fooled you already. Fix your eyes upon me and make me your first priority."

Well , guess this post of mine really encouraged me.

anyway, gonna play some praise songs as a guitarist for an event by my Parents(Anglican) Church (Chapel of The Resurrection) on 12 July. Eggcited.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Saturday, June 27, 2009


Friday, June 26, 2009


Windows has detected W32/Gaobot.worm.gen.u - Win32/RBot.3eu!Worm, a known computer virus, on your computer.

To prevent this problem from occurring again, install and run an up-to-date antivirus program on your computer.

Don't look for cracks for trial softwares. Because shit happens.

Monday, June 22, 2009


QT: Acts 25 - Acts 27

God did not speak to me in any verse but he spoke to me:
"Do not be afraid or wary of your future. I have it all planned down , every single instance. Instead , put trust in me for I only give the best to you, my child. Do not give up , for the times of adversity are there to strengthen you.You may not see what I'm trying to convey now, but you'll reap the results in due time. Do not give in to temptations, for Satan has schemingly fooled you already. Fix your eyes upon me and make me your first priority."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

I believe you're my Healer
I believe you are all I need
Jesus you're all I need

I believe you're my portion
I believe you're more than enough for me
Jesus you're all I need

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is imposssible for You
You hold my world in your hands
he tells himself to not let negative thoughts overwhelm his cranial region.
but , what's predominant are the negative thoughts.
what good thoughts does he have?
he envies other people who are so happy in pictures,
because he never actually smiled in a picture before.

tears flowed violently down his eyes,
he cried out unto God " Lord , it's so hard. It's just so hard. "
his only wish was to create a better future,
for his past was so bad he didn't want to remember.
nobody accepts , everybody judges. Reality Strikes.
The only one who really accepted him was God.
would you kindly lift me up , please.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Was browsing youtube videos on funny noises you can make with your guitar.

This particular BAKA(idiot) pissed me off.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mum's Bday 14/06/09 , at Roxy Square Level 3.

went to Roxy Square Level 3 for my Mum's birthday today.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

[ Acts 4: 32-34 ]
This is the character God wants us , as believers , to adopt.

[ Acts 5: 29 ]
Do we live for God or live for Men?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Today's a fine sunny day. Innocent brendon went to Pulau Ubin with his ex-secondary school classmates. Throughout the biking journey, there was an upslope. Being daring, innocent brendon act hero and chiong up. Out of the blue moon, innocent brendon leg pedal too hard and the chain came off. Innocent brendon fell off the bike and scarred his legs. So he emo the whole day.

BTW Awesome Stuff :P Kind of video that makes people wanna throw away their guitar.

[ Acts 1:7-8 ]
Trusting not based on evidence(sight) but by faith. This is God's will for us. This is the faith he wants us to cultivate and demonstrate in every aspect of our lives.

[ Acts 2:17-21 ]
The end times.

[ Acts 2:44-47 ]
This is a model of how we should fellowship with our brothers.

[ Acts 3:17-19] ]
Repentance - confessing our sins; turning to God.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

[John 20: 30 -31]
Believe and we will have life in Him.

Who is the one who brought you through your problems?
Who guided you?
Who shielded you?
Who caught you when you fell down so deep?
Who lifted you up again?
Who cared for you?
Who loved you and blessed you through people?

Don't forget the one who oversees our life , for many times we take Him for granted. We do things without the right perspective. It's not the number of people you save that matter, but the heart that God looks at. GOD > Personal Gain. Don't just do what we do blindly remember what and who we are doing it for.

Friday, June 5, 2009

[ John 16:33 ]
Jesus had overcome it all. No trouble is bigger than God himself.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today marks the last caregroup TP Guys 1 would ever have. Lemmuel Ang, Samuel, Joseph and Gerald would be leaving us for good. Gonna miss you guys. God bless yah.

[ John 13: 34 ]
We are co-existed with each other to love one another. This is our identity in Christ as his disciples.

[ John 15 : 1-4 ]
Vine branches that bear no fruit represent unbelievers . God wants us to remain in Him ; to be constantly enhancing our conviction and strengthening our foundation.

[ John 15 : 18-26 ]
Jesus himself had already faced Persecution in his life as a Human. Do not be despondent about the stubborn nature of the world for this was prophesied.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

when confidence leaves and despondence steps in.

Cute :

[ John 10: 27-28 ]
We are his sheep. Nothing - no person or temptation can take us away.

[ John 12: 36 ]
Being people of direction.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


[ John 7 : 18 ]
God's work > Personal Gain.

[ John 9 : 1-3 ]
The purpose of children who are borned with defects / disabled.

Monday, June 1, 2009

the art of losing myself in bringing you praise

[ John 4: 11-14]
For what's been given is eternal , what that lasts here on earth is temporal. He gave us the living water so we would never be thirsty again. God's providence is sufficient.

[ John 4: 23-24]
God looks for worshippers as such; who worship in spirit and in truth.

[ John 6: 26-27 ]
Think and Live eternally. Put God's work into practice.

God gave me this vision of an empty room packed with many people. This empty room represents the world and the people represent every single living human on this earth. There are many doors to which leads to many things but only one door is shut. This door represents Jesus and only those who believe in him can open this door and enter Heaven.
The question proposed is: " Are you willing to believe? "

The word BELIEVE encompasses many factors.
It is :
Firstly - to believe (conviction)
Secondly - the stirring of our heart
Thirdly - The process of the manifestation of our faith through our actions.
Lastly - The reaping/yielding of our hard work.

Not everyone who claims "I believe in Jesus" will enter heaven.