Sunday, January 31, 2010


Lost in inadequacy. Nothing more than just an enigma lurking. Feel like giving it all up just when things start to get better.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Studying for my Music CDS Common Test tomorrow. I hope I get rather good grades for it. This semester is coming to an end. Soon many things would change, people leaving, new people coming in. I guess, I'm just gonna say that I miss certain people but life goes on. Take care.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Just to share this quote.

Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it.
Burmese Saying

We are not people of inadequacy. We don't settle for medicore average-ish accomplishments. In everything we do, do it to the best of our ability. In this perspective comes greater achievements. Otherwise, don't do it.

Procrastinate Some More , Lah.

Busy week. Assignments due. Presentations. Still dare to procrastinate. Dammit I'm freaking lazy.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cheer up.

This shit totally made my day. \m/


It's been awhile since I saw you. You'd probably never see this post but in whatever you do, be wise and tactful. Decide for yourself. Most importantly, don't change for the worst and let stupid things happen. Don't give in easily, but don't be too hard on things either. I'll always be here to help in any way I can.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Long Story Cut Short : Cherish

Don't ignore this wall-of-text. Read it.

Headed to T1, Tampines Mall then Century Square today. Scavenged stuff and looked around. Whilst waiting for the lift, me and my 2 other classmates decided to sit down at one of the comfy cushioned seats near the century square lifts. Innocent Brendon took out his wallet and placed it on the seat as it was uncomfortable sitting with a wallet below your butt. The lift beckoned innocent Brendon like a treacherous cunning plan. Innocent Brendon went into the lift and , you guessed it, he totally forgot his wallet and he still wasn't aware of it. When innocent Brendon went to the basement of Century Square to get something to eat, he realized that his wallet wasn't in his pocket. Innocent Brendon was flustered , panicky and at the loss of what to do. At that point of time, innocent Brendon felt totally weak and feeble. The feeling of not being able to do anything about a particular matter, which I'm sure many could identify with, makes you feel useless and lousy. However, despite all the flustering, piss-off-ing, panicking and whatnot, innocent brendon headed to the Customer Service on Level 2 at Century Square. AFTER ALL, he wasn't dumb and his sanity was preserved for a better cause. When innocent Brendon approached the Customer Service Counter, the Customer Service Assistant asked " Lost wallet? ". You could imagine the face on innocent Brendon's face - EPIC. Then innocent Brendon got back his wallet. Lucky enough, innocent Brendon only lost around $30. Although the guy returned the wallet, he took the money. Boy, little did the kind ass-soul know the price of the wallet - well LUCKY for innocent Brendon , that kind dude did not take the wallet. The wallet costed $150. On top of that, innocent Brendon had deposited $200 into his bank account an hour before he lost his wallet. If the person hadn't return the wallet and Brendon hadn't deposit his $200 into the bank, the total asset loss value would be $380. Innocent brendon texted to the guy who returned the wallet " Thanks for returning the wallet ".

2 Elementary-Level Values we must learn:
1) Never put too much money into your wallet.
2) Always be aware of your belongings.

Amidst all that emotional roller-coaster-ing. I learned a very important lesson. As cliche as this may sound to many of you:

Cherish the people around you. Treasure the things that you have. Because some things when lost, can never be recovered. Treat every single day as if it was the last.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Argh I want that Epiphone

Really want an Epiphone Goldtop Les Paul with Good pickups don matter what year produced. Looking to sell my fender, interested = CALL/SMS/EMAIL ME.
As long as it retains the shine like this buddy over here.

And at the same time , a Maestro SD-1 costing $200-$300.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Not an iPhone Noob LIAO.
Plenty of Apps on my iPhone. Jailbreaked it and flooded it with custom applications. It feels scary but in actual fact, it's just the mentality.
Will mention Some Apps:

and more..

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Great Day

Was sick the entire day. Didn't felt good blowing my nose constantly. Annoying the people all around me didn't make it all better. With the OOPG assignment, it did a great job in "rubbing salt onto my wounds". However, got my new phone - Iphone 3GS. If you're a brendon-blog-reader, you would have notice that not long ago , I blogged about my father getting me an OMNIA phone. Well, from this post, you can see how good my father is to me. And I need to start honouring him and not be a tough nut to crack. Anyway Rock Avenue would be having our second gig very soon. Stay tune to this blog if you haven't already done so. Just a brief Synopsis of what our band is like in a few words: Skid Row, Glam Rock, Poison, Motley Crue, Awesome Vocalist - Maan Rosewood.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rock Avenue's Second GIG !??

Rock Avenue's First Gig at Singapore Polytechnic was great. Though limited crowd , due to the fact that modern day teens listen to crap music, it was still a great gig. People who clapped and watched, kudos to you for being a part of our gig. Rock Avenue's Second Gig would be up soon. Details would be posted on our myspace and on this blog.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It starts with me.

Beautiful, Meaningful Song.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Faulty Brain

Optimism isn't working.

Masks of Deception

Only I know who am I. Nobody can have the depth of understanding. Because, people judge horrendously. It seems the best friend I have is myself. One choice, one decision that would make it seem easier. Again, making that choice is a tall order.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Boobs = weapons of mass distraction.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Bag

My auntie gave me this new bag which costs $69.90. Awesome.

Monday, January 4, 2010



=== Details! === Details! === Details! ===

Venue : Singapore Polytechnic , Big Stage Set-up.

Event : Spinovex (Open House)

Date/Day: 8 January 2010, Coming Friday

Gig Time Slot: 2pm - 2.30 pm

Be sure to catch us at Singapore Polytechnic at 2pm SHARP! Be there or be square. We'll be playing songs from Skid Row, Poison, Scorpion and Guns N` Roses !
P.S Our vocalist has attachment work so he would not be able to make it. We have engaged another infamous vocalist "MING", former vocalist of Zero Sequence and Sky Rocket as a guest vocalist.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ignorance. A way of communication.
I should never display as of such inadequacy, not running away from things but facing them.
Nobody owes anyone a living. Have the tenacity to stand up, stand tall and not back down.
Despite how much anyone say they don't judge you, truth is, they do and they're very superficial about it. We do not live for anyone in this earth, except maybe the ones who brought us in.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year 2010

2009 Last day:
Went to ECP's beach hut for a san miguel draft and some non-price-friendly snacks with my coursemates. Bout an hour later, we went to hit some balls with sticks. Then some of us went home while the remaining owls headed to coffeebean and chilled there. Very ordinary, but it's the time spent that counts.

It's a brand new year with lots of things in store for me.
My new year's resolution is kept within the walls of my brain.
I hope this would be a great year for my friends too, all of you, and you too especially.

Do check my band's( Rock Avenue ) myspace. Some demo tracks have been uploaded.

Not forgetting my new SOLO SINGLE : Signs