Saturday, February 28, 2009


had cg at my house today. very funny game bim bam bomb. lem is the best at it. and then went to the same LAN I went with Wilfred for L4D.

anyway :

1) Heart - Passion
2) Mind - Thought
3) Soul - Decision
4) Action - Strength


Friday, February 27, 2009


went to sentosa with ex-2e2 classmates. been a long time since I saw you guys. Haha. Enjoyed myself seriously. Had some thoughts ..hmm had fun haha. and I attempted to do a TP 2008/2009 main year paper A-maths paper but failed. Only managed to draw a graph can't solve. anyway having CG at my house tmr. See you handsome guys tmr at my house ^^

old pic.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nothing Much

Stupid Rain spoiled my day.
Dota spoiled my day.

Scream Saul Hudson:

Warning : For all bassists ,You might consider throwing away your bass after seeing this video.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Hope Endures

For what manipulates you takes control of your mind and turns you into someone else.
Don't let that happen for it's pure foolishness.
The immediation reaction/response that you give others is the real You.
[ Matthew 12 : 34-37 ] : "34You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 35The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."


You would think only so much can go wrong
Calamity only strikes once
And you assume that this one has suffered her share
Life will be kinder from here

Sometimes the sun stays hidden for years
Sometimes the sky rains night after night
When will it clear
But our hope endures the worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the earth quake
Our hope is unchanged

How do we comprehend peace within pain
Our joy at a good man's wake
Walk a mile with a woman whose body is torn
With illness but she marches on

Sometimes the sun stays hidden for years
Sometimes the sky rains night after night
When will it clear
But our hope endures the worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the earth quake
Our hope is unchanged

Emanuel, God is with us
El Shaddai, all sufficient
Emanuel, God is with us
El Shaddai, all sufficient
Emanuel, God is with us
El Shaddai, all sufficient

We never walk alone
This is our hope
Our hope endures, the worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
let the earth quake
let the earth quake
let the earth quake
Our hope is unchanged

Hillsong United - Till I See You

Monday, February 23, 2009


The Moment you are in Tension
You will lose your Attention
Then you are in total Confusion
And you will feel Irritation
Then you will spoil personal Relation
Ultimately, you won't get Co-Operation
Then things will be full of Complication
Then your blood pressure may raise Caution
And you may have to take Medication

Instead, understand the Situation
And try to think about the Solution
Many problems will be solved by Discussion
This will work out better in your Profession
Don't think it's my free Suggestion
It's only for your Prevention
If you understand my Intention
You will never come again to Tension


Winger !

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In Desperate Times It's You I Seek

Suntec Convention Centre Hall 602.
First Combined Service 2009.

Speaker : Pastor Jeff
Title : Preparation to Conquer
Verse : [ Joshua 5:1-15]

1) Circumcise Our Hearts - Live A Life Of Repentance
  • In the Old Testament , circumcision was of the flesh which depicted a symbolic act of our faith.
  • In the New Testament , circumcision was of the heart. [ Colossians 2:11]
  • [ John 15:2 ] " He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. "
  • We need to live a clean , repentant and righteous life.
Three Steps To Live A Life Of Repentance.
  1. [Psalms 139:23-24]
    23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;

    test me and know my anxious thoughts.

    24 See if there is any offensive way in me,

    and lead me in the way everlasting.

  2. Live An Accountable Life.
  3. Keep Each Other Accountable.

2) Celebrate His Love - Live A Life Of Communion
  • [ Romans 8:37b] "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
  • Walk Close With Him and Live a Life Of Communion( Intimate Communion/Fellowship With HIM).
3) Commit to His Leadership - Live A Life Of Surrender
  • [ Ephesians 5:23-24] Surrender unto him.
  • Listen to his Voice. In great challenging times , He gives us great opportunity to grow.
  • Give our all , 100% , to him.
Lord Your name
Is higher than the heavens
Lord Your name
Is higher than all created things
Higher than hope
Higher than dreams
The name of the Lord

Many changes to my room over these past few weeks. Let the pictures do the talking.

The Climax . My Father painted onto this mirror with black paint. AWESOME.

Friday, February 20, 2009

yet another boring day

Living a mundane lifestyle now. Brendon is sick and tired of the holidays already.
Anyway , it's been quite a while since I uploaded something.
Timing not accurate at certain parts , I'm only human.
Just need more practice to fine-tune.

When I fall down you pick me up
When I am dry you fill my cup
You are my all in all.

You'll never find these anywhere in Singapore.
And No , I don't smoke.

Unwavering faith

Went to Joel's house for cg today. Enjoyed the fellowship very much , my brothers :)


Displaying Unwavering faith even after repeated failures. Maintain your tenacity in HIM and not in yourself. Do not let our current problems/difficulties that we face get the better of us. Do not be controlled by such things but CONTROL them instead by his strength and not by our might. HE is in control and oversees our life. As cliche as it sounds , problems do not drag us down but they bring us up beyond our imagination for they are opportunities for growth. Stand firm in your faith in bad or good times.

"Hillsong London (Hail To The King Album) - Look To The Cross"

Cover me
In stillness you are welcome here
Corfort me
And teach me Lord to know your peace

I look to the cross
Lord let me see your love anew
There I find peace, there I find peace again

Draw me near
Into your arms
Strength I know
Lift my soul
To rest in you my only hope

I look to the cross
Lord let me see your love anew
'Cause there I find peace, there I find peace again
I look to the cross
Lord let me see your love anew
'Cause there I find peace, there I find peace again

'Cause the Lord my light and my salvation
Who man shall I be afraid
I'll never be the same
The Lord my light and my salvation
Who man shall I be afraid
I'll never be the same again
In you I find peace again

I look to the cross
Lord let me see your love anew
There I find peace, there I find peace again
I look to the cross
Lord let me see your love anew
'Cause there I find peace, there I find peace again

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rest In Sleaze


Crashdiet : A Sleaze/Glam Rock/Hair Metal Scene Movement following the likes of Poison / Motley Crue and maybe , a Little Skid Row. Other bands include Blackrain , EndeverafteR , Vains Of Jenna , Babylon Bombs , Alice Cooper , Warrant , Ratt , L.A Guns , Contraband , Twisted Sister and , Swedish Hard/Sleaze Rock Band - Hardcore Superstar. Additionally , AIRBOURNE which is trying to save the Rock N` Roll Scene following the likes of AC/DC.

P.S - Not forgetting Singapore has it's own Sleaze/Glam Rock Band ! - Gutterbonez.

Crashdiet - Falling Rain

Crashdiet - Riot In Everyone

Crashdiet - Breakin the Chainz

Babylon Bombs - Jaded Heart

Emotions / Dryness

Went to meet Wilfred for pool then dinner at 800 plus and to TM arcade and finally to LAN SHOP (beside subway ) for L4D. Spent lotsa unnecessary money though.


3 Ways of Handling our Emotions.

1) Religious people might tell you to stuff your feelings.
2) Secular people might tell us to vent in all out.
3) HE tells us to pray our emotions.

Prayer is about our heart touching HIS heart.
  • During times of spiritual dryness , we will feel abandoned by HIM but we're NOT !
  • YAHWEH experienced ultimate dryness/detachment when he was on the cross so that we will never be abandoned eternally if we put our faith in him.
  • Live by faith and not by sight.
  • Dry times will grow us deeper and stronger with unshakable faith and commited love.
  • We have all that we need in HIM.

[Psalm 42:5 , 7] Stop our heart talking and listen.
  • When we are stressed about something negative someone else said, we should reconsider and realise it's what HE says that really matters.
  • When we are affected by economy, we should realise HE is our provider.
  • When we are affected by relationship , look at the friendship we have with HIM.
  • All that we need is in him , look to Him. Remind ourself of His Love.
  • We have all that we need in HIM.
Take time to periodically to allow our lives to be evaluated before Him.
Let Him recalibrate our hearts in prayer.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paul Gilbert

Three-String guitar.

Monday, February 16, 2009

another ordinary day

This is the way it should be : More Of You , Less Of Me.
Rest our attention and re-set our setpoint so that we'll be people of greater insight ( clear and deep perception of a situation )
When there is a lack of peace , and we investigate , we start to check it out , deal with it , do something about it and then we would become a person of foresight.
Our conscience is a holder of peace and when something is not right , He will temporally remove this peace as he wants us to investigate it and reflect on why he removed the peace so we would be aware of his desire for us to change for the better.
Pruning is a painful but beneficial process. Moreover, He would never test us beyond what we can handle. So trust in Him and allow him to take control of our lives.

Take Me , Break Me , Make Me , Mould Me.

Doraemon (ANG) + 1/4 CHUA


[Phillipians 3:13] "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead ,"

Life's like a marathon.
There are many hurdles I've yet to clear.
But no matter how badly I fell,
You'd always be there to pick me up and run beside me.
Wherever I went , there you would be.
Only You can fill this void inside of me.
A void inundated with emptiness and desolation.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Seeing matters in the right perspective

Service Sermon - 14/2/09


1)Love Of A True Friend is Constant
2)True Friendship Deepens During Tough Times

What are True Friends:
  1. A True Friend Loves Us Through All Kinds Of Weather. (In Good Or Bad Times)
  2. A True Friend Is One Who Walks Into Our Lives When The Whole World Walks Out.
  3. A True Friend Accepts Us For Who We Are And Not What We Are.
  4. A True Friend Loves Us At All Times.
  5. A True Friend Is One Who Wants To Bring Out The Best In Us.
  6. A True Friend Exposes Our Infirmities/Inadequacies/Weaknesses In A Respectful Manner.
True Friendship prevails during tough times / in times of adversity.


Everything is permissible , but NOT everything is BENEFICIAL.
What we want may not be what we need. It takes maturity to see things in a different light.
Feelings are only temporal , they will fade and slowly die down with time.
Concentrate on what's more essential and beneficial for the KOG.

Never Judge Others-
When you judge somebody, it's as good as saying you're superior compared to him.You think you're better than him. It's called pride. Pride is very capable of distorting our judgement which thus turns us into cynical,skeptical and negative people who are insecure.

For the measure you take against others will be the measure taken against you.


Friday, February 13, 2009


kill the thought , keep your cool.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


TIRED , SLEEP LIKE PIG. BUT gonna miss everybody man.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Been busy the whole afternoon throwing a lot of books. Clearing my stuffs in my room. And fixing the legs of two of my IKEA VIKA AMON Black tables. I have blisters now. Slept for a little while and headed to TP for Combined CG. Great time of fellowship. Enjoyed myself. After this Saturday , my whole room will have a total makeover , painting etc :)

Current situation.


Monday, February 9, 2009


My breakfast , lunch and supper everyday.



Sunday, February 8, 2009


Haha. Recorded this for somebody, Say THANKEW. It's noobish but , whatever.
It's a small part of Cello Suite No.1 Prelude by BACH.You made me record twice you dumbtwat.

skipped service :X

Going to my one of my parents' unit leader house later. bunkgerlow landed property.


Zakk Wylde , Paul Gilbert

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Guitar Again.

At least I accomplished something today.
Just to make it clear, it's not a song - just something I made up. And yes, sounds a lil Gary Moore-ish.

Going to my brother's girlfriend's house with whole family in an hour's time cause it's her birthday.
I need a band. I need lots of MONEY $. I need....


Some trivia:

The group was formed in early 1985 by Hollywood Rose members Axl Rose (vocals) and Izzy Stradlin (rhythm guitar), and L.A. Guns members Tracii Guns (lead guitar), Ole Beich (bass) and Rob Gardner (drums).[5] The band created its name by combining two of the group members' names. A short time later, before Guns N' Roses even played any gigs, guitarist Tracii Guns quit to reform L.A. Guns. Slash replaced Guns, and Duff McKagan replaced Ole Beich (who only played one show.) Slash had played for Rose and Stradlin during a short stint in Hollywood Rose. The new line-up came together quickly, but after deciding to go on a "tour" from Sacramento, California to Duff's home town of Seattle, drummer Rob Gardner quit and was replaced by Slash's close friend Steven Adler.[6] The band, which continued to be called Guns N' Roses even after the departure of Tracii Guns, established its first stable line up on this so-called "Hell Tour". In an interview, Slash stated, "That [trip to Seattle] is really what cemented the band" and established its chemistry.


Sold my Kramer Striker Custom FR424CM HSH just last week for $400. Been suffering these few days without a guitar - getting rusty already.
Past Tense

Going to get my *1993* Fender Re-issue ST-54 Stratocaster later at 12pm but don't know if I'll regret it. Contemplating on whether to get which of the two guitars:

1)Fender Strat with YJM DiMarzio Pickups on Neck and Bridge + Original Pickups.
Click Here

2)Fender 1993 reissue ST-54 Strat
Click Here
And Here

Tough call but I'd prefer the maple fretboard over the rosewood. On top of that , it's a *1993* Reissue taken well care of , I hope so , which is much more valuable as compared to that MIA strat. Heard that Japan-made Fenders are the best? Gonna post a vid when I get back soon , can't wait already :D

Anyways, a good cover of Man On The Silver Mountain by Rainbow.

I'm Finally back and NOW here they are:

Currently addicted to it. One of the higher-end guitars I've ever set my hands on.
Probably the reason why I only have $14.76 in my POSB account.

Friday, February 6, 2009

first post, shit you.

The "Run Baby Run" Gig

P.S - Don't judge me ^^

Some stupid shit ripped from someone.

she called me to get my phone number.
she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said 'concentrate.'
she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.
she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order.
she sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
she tried to drown a fish.
she thought a quarterback was a refund.
she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
she tripped over a cordless phone.
she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.
she studied for a blood test.
she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.
when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.
when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said 'Airport Left' , she turned around and went home.

Just For Laughs:


Talent as you see it.