Tuesday, March 31, 2009


yes I've moved on. But I'm sorry for hurting you. You hurt me so deeply too. Sorry for that mean reply. I did not forget the times and moments spent though. God bless and take care of yourself. Don't do anything foolish. Goodbye 9348972.



Authority. Would a church be able to grow without authority ? NO. For it is the authority that breeds necessary organization for further growth or else it would be an utter mess. Leaders are God-chosen. Being submissive to our leaders is a deicision you make. You don't do things based on what you want or feel but BASED ON WHAT IS BENEFICIAL FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. By doing things based on what you feel or want , you are being submissive to yourself. Remember it is NEVER about you but about others. Remember leaders are only human , mistakes are inevitable. They do not abuse their authority, it's you who is stirring up this unnecessary delusional speculation which makes you forget why you even believe. And If you think how your perspective is right , you are missing the whole point in coming to church. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Would he do what you did? Would he make the same decisions you did?

[Matthew 24:9-10]
9"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,"

In this case, you are persecuting yourself by speculating and breeding mistrust , allowing the devil to gain a strong foothold of you. You are doing exactly what was mentioned , turning away from the faith by the symptoms of betraying and hating each other.

Stop this opposition and follow our leaders. Repent. For by opposing our leaders, you are opposing GOD. If you've not even been a CL yet , what right do you have to judge them ? You don't ask a student to teach a teacher , do you? In addition , by opposing , you are actually being like THE WORLD - the unbeliever.

Great Day Out

Met shawn handsome , darren koh ah handsome and glen handsome today. went to suntec to watch " UNBORN " .... "ELAI." and then headed to just noodles for dinner. awesome day spent I could say :) muimui ah.

I didn't really plan on feeling something for you , it just sorta happens.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The "S" and "O" stages.



Decided to share this since it's the freshmen harvest season.

"S" which is defined as "Surface".
"O" which is defined as "Open".
Basically two of the three stages involved in evax.

1) How to make the first interaction not awkward?
  • Firstly , don't think or feel weird ourselves as it the way we think and feel would be the way we react.
  • Be friendly and show sincerity . Be natural ( Be yourself ).
  • Observe the body language of the person ( e.g. Looking elsewhere, showing no interest )
  • Probe into the person's interests and talk about them.
  • Start off with funny/embarassing moments we've had before ( Open Their Hearts )
  • Find a common topic.
  • Prepare things in mind beforehand to engage them in the conversation if you are not a chatty person.
  • Be quick to spot their interest and talk about it.
2) What to talk about?
  • Food
  • TV Shows
  • School ( teachers , funny happenings etc.)
  • Fashion
  • Games
  • Anime
  • Favourite songs/bands/actors/actresses
  • Family
  • Football
  • Holidays ( what we did previously or planning to do in/for our holidays)
3) How to click with a person?
  • Try to find a common interest.
  • Give attention , make him/her feel special. ( Listening attentively , looking interested )
  • Be open.
  • Doing things that the person likes together.
4) How to get people to open up?
  • Firstly , we ourselves have to be open with the person. Openness breeds Openness.
  • Give them a treat , buy them something.
  • Spend informal and fun times together. ( E.g. Sports , have meals together , watch movies )
5) How to prevent people to get " turned off " when they hear the word "church" or "Jesus" ?
  • Most importantly and firstly , make sure you connect the person to be close with you or feel comfortable with you before introducing church to him/her.
  • Be sincere and genuine.
  • Try to ask why they feel certain way - Another bridge to spiritual conversation.

Submitting to Spiritual Authority

Currently addicted to :

And my noob short take on the intro.

Why would you so such a thing so immature?
Carrying actions based on your baseless evidence portraying senseless accusations.
Submit to spiritual authority as it is to our Parents and Leaders/CL/Shepherd . Remember we are IN the world , not OF the world.
By doing something like that , you are no different from the world. Go figure.
[Hebrews 13:17 ]
They are called and appointed by God. They are imperfect humans. Everybody may make mistakes. Don't let negativity and misunderstanding distort your perception or thinking.
We are all brothers in christ. Why do I post something like that? Because I see the need to.
[ Matthew 18:15-20 ]
A Brother Who Sins Against You

15"If your brother sins against you,a]">[a] go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'b]">[b] 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.18"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will bec]">[c]bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will bed]">[d] loosed in heaven. 19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Doing something like that isn't glorifying his kingdom. It is instead , breaking his heart to see disunity and mistrust and evil intent.

Letting Go , Letting God.


You'd be transferring to the NS group. You have been a faithful , fun-loving , dear brother to me. I enjoyed every moment and second spent with you. I just want to take this post to affirm you of the great memorable times spent together. I will always remember you for life. The various caregroups we spent together , the funny times in caregroup and also camp and also VivoCity and also forfeit at my house. God bless you. Guess it's time to move on. Take Care BRA-THE !

Took pics with gurmit Sing. Haha nice guy.

Lastly , Darren .

I am Yours Lord , Completely Abandoned To You.
Take my life and make it meaningful.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Lol , Looped with my Digitech Digidelay pedal which only allows a short duration of looping. Fun.

Anyway my father did this for his church mother's day event or something like that. Cool ? Cool.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Recorded this.. obvious mistakes but whatever.


evax at 6-9 later. funny timing. bye.


Whole afternoon evaxing , and EATING also - SER MENG FAULT , he tempted me to, and he ate too. Only had 4 forms filled but still , thank you God , for it states in [ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ] " Give thanks in all circumstances."

Then headed down to Vivo for CG at the "amphitheatre"? yea.

Very happy , overwhelmed with joy as HE spoke to me today.
I finally overcame the issue I've been facing since DEC`08. Praise Him.
No point dwelling , MOVE ON!


CG At VivoCity , 26th March 2009

Speaker : Lemmuel Ang
Title : Hindrances to Victory

  • E.g " Approaching and engaging a conversation with people we first met/don't know.
  • Fear exists in every single person.
  • Our fears are our weaknesses. Fear is a sign of a lack of faith in God.
  • Fear exists in every single person.
  • Approach our fears. Only when we know our fears , then can we be well-prepared.
  • *Admit that we have fears and approach of overcome . Face them.
  • So , what are the current fears that we have? how do we overcome? what correct heart attitudes should we cultivate?
  • Know our identity , fear will flee , and he will empower us.
  • He won't tell us what we can't do but what we can.
  • Don't have a negative perspective before even attempting as we tend to not make effort.
2)Lack Of True Faith
  • Being faithless is the same as sinning. Don't be a believer in good times but also be a believer in tough times.
  • Don't place our faith in Him based on the situations.
  • Faith comes when you are sure of God's character and His Word.
  • Apply what we learn through our teachings and not just acquire them as head-knowledge.
  • God is unseen and when we believer we can achieve many great things for the KOG.
3)Physical And Mental Tiredness / Spritual Dryness
  • How's our heart attitudes and thoughts?
  • When we do things sub-standardly, ask someone(Shepherd/CL) to keep track of our attitude.Are we pleasing God or doing for the sake of it?
How should we adjust our thoughts and attitudes?

a) Fixing our eyes on Jesus. [ Hebrews 12:2-3 ]

  • Our thoughts and attitudes don't change overnight.
  • We can be physically tired but we must always maintain the right heart attitude.Don't dwell in problems - MOVE ON!
b) Fixing our eyes on the Results.
  • Our methods may change , problems may come , but our vision NEVER changes.
  • Magnify Him , not our problems. Don't focus on our problems.
  • Don't give ourselves options , never give up.
c) Fixing our eyes on the Reward. [ 2 Corinthians 4:18 ]
  • What is something we want God to tell us to when we rise up to heaven?
  • God will reward us.
d) Fixing our eyes on God's Strength.
  • We tend to look for people when we are down. Instead of doing so , we shoud look to Him for strength and joy.
  • When we face obstacles , ask God what he wants us to learn from them.
4)Unresolved Sins
  • Leads us to greater Sins. Satan is always ready to pull us away from God and spot our mistakes but God is always ready to forgive.
  • Come to God with fear and humility. Fear God , Hate Sin.
  • Be clear of our temptations. Run away from them.
  • Review our thoughts. Make sure they are right. [ Phillipians 2:6-8 ]
  • Jesus had already overcame the temptations that we may go through.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

despondent ; low in spirit

A vehement desire but and not for you lord.
Recalibrate my heart. Help me to think right. Embrace me. Uphold me.
A longing for more of you , less of me.
Magnifying you , shrinking the issue.
You are bigger than all problems.

Take my life , all that I have to give.
Take my world , just inhabit all of it.
Take my dreams, make me assuredly Yours.

just to share a very soothing video from SAMUEL.

and a favourite of mine:

She's Gone..

went to pasir ris today with ex-sch-classmates. enjoyed myself :)

I'm struggling , I'm falling.
Help me to overcome. Help me to understand and see through your perspective.
Help me to lean to your understanding and not mine.
Help me to see through the lens of Yours.
Lift my burdens,my worries,my troubles , my everything.
Teach me , guide me , lead me , lift me , revive me.
Bring me back on my feet.
Help me.

cried unto god to speak to me.
He replied :

4 In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can mortal man do to me?

5 All day long they twist my words;
they are always plotting to harm me.

6 They conspire, they lurk,
they watch my steps,
eager to take my life.

7 On no account let them escape;
in your anger, O God, bring down the nations.

8 Record my lament;
list my tears on your scroll a]">[a]
are they not in your record?

anyway , more recordings.

Joe Satriani - Crying Cover ( recorded this for you )

Solo and Intro of "Steelheart - She's Gone"

Steelheart - She's Gone Cover (not full)

Metallica - Enter Sandman Take 2

Monday, March 23, 2009


Camp was great.

Essential Characteristics to be an effective contemporary generation.
  • Comprehensive in Perspective
  • Long-term , not just short term thinking
  • Life Long Learner
  • Principle Oriented
  • Flexible not rigid
  • Being Progressive and not stagnant
there were many funny instances in camp indeed.

very few pics.

Darren , gonna miss you :(

Metallica - Enter Sandman Cover

decided to remove the other 2 vids as they sounded crappy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Went to pasir ris park for bbq today. received a cute card plus picks !


Thanks guys for celebrating me,celia and penguin's bday :)

Thank you guys for celebrating my bday with this cake ! :)
Although surprise part failed , but still thanks alot ! ^^
As dated : 14/3/09 , Saturday.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back to the basics / fundamentals

Date : 14th March 2009
Speaker : Pastor Jeff
Title : Why Praise? Why Worship?
Scripture : [ Psalms 61 : 1 -8 ]

1 Hear my cry, O God;
listen to my prayer.

2 From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

3 For you have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the foe.

4 I long to dwell in your tent forever
and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.

5 For you have heard my vows, O God;
you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

6 Increase the days of the king's life,
his years for many generations.

7 May he be enthroned in God's presence forever;
appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.

8 Then will I ever sing praise to your name
and fulfill my vows day after day.

1) I Get To Experience The Reality Of God's Presence <>
  • Only when we praise , we get to experience the reality of the tangible presence of God.
  • Praise And Worship is a means of experiencing Him through the lyrics in the music.
  • [ 1 Samuel 16 : 23 ] " 23 Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him. "
  • Even when we feel far away from him , God Is Real.
2) I Get Elevated Above The Realms Of My Problems <>
  • [ Isaiah 55 : 9 ] " 9 As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts. "
  • We need to change our perspective to God's.
  • When we worship , we enter God's realm and see things through the LENS of God.
  • [ Acts 16 : 25 - 26 ] " 25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose. "
  • Are we gonna choose to whine about our problems or just worship him?
3) I Get Energised By God's Promises <>
  • [ Psalms 34 : 9 ] " 9 Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing."
  • Praise and Worship is the moving of the spirit of God in our hearts.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

down deep down.

all of the waves just crashed onto me full impact.
despair , unhappiness , total degradation of my mind.
in low spirits.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


*ya lorrr
*so i shall orh ohr oink oink meow meow peekopekdised.

cute la this person.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


went out with ex 2e2 classmates and ahem to crossfire to lan.
den to simei to eat BK.
den back to simpang teh tarik.
den to safra bowling alley play pool.

anyway , the finalised masterpiece.
don't bother to judge , it's flawless cause my father drew it.

bяєиdoи - says:
*going to bathe soon
*after i bathe i can talk to u like mad.
DARREN says:
*but i goign off soon leh
*u bathe so late
*later catch a koh(cold)
DARREN says:
*habit man
*old habit dies hard
*old man dies easy

elated ecstatic sense of euphoria

I felt a sense of euphoria swept over me as I received my premature birthday presents from my parents. Actual bday would be 12 march but received em today.

1) Samsung i900 Omnia 8GB Phone
2) Taka Jewellery White Gold + Silver + Diamond Crucifix Necklace
3) An LED watch.

Very happy. plus the fact that ser meng made my day - " how to play this game ah? "
inside joke : laugh , people :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Life is like the current weather for the past few days.
It may be sunny for awhile and then it suddenly rains.
He wants to remind us that bad times can happen in good times.
But in all circumstances, give thanks and praise Him.



One of the awesomest band so just shutup and look at the vids.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Finally got back my sony ericsson w910i phone back from simei.
Brought it to sentosa , kept zipped-tight in bag last week but don't know why it still spoilt,
but finally got it fixed :)


Same , but different.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


went to Joel's house for caregroup today , somebody was very early indeed ^^
Somebody was very scared of dogs , made me laugh till I had stomach cramp.
Well pretty much thats it. whole day spent at joel's house :)


Went to simpang bedok with ex-classmates
the previous day.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Faith is not possible when you lack trust.
Faith is not believing what you see.
Faith is not being naive or ignorant.

Faith is having a deep immense conviction in Him.
Faith is having a complete whole-hearted trust in Him.
Faith is letting Him take control of our lives.
Faith allows us to accomplish the impossible.
Faith brings about miracles.
Faith enhances our spiritual being.
Faith strengthens us.
Faith stretches us.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Heart Condition

We have to have a receptive heart that is open to Him so he can speak freely to us.
The only way nurture a receptive heart is to stick close to Him.
To stick close to him , we have to read on the word and spend quality time with Him.
We do not hear from Him through our eyes , our ears , our mouth.
We hear from Him through our heart.
For he soughts after our heart.
Recalibrate your heart condition today.