Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Authority. Would a church be able to grow without authority ? NO. For it is the authority that breeds necessary organization for further growth or else it would be an utter mess. Leaders are God-chosen. Being submissive to our leaders is a deicision you make. You don't do things based on what you want or feel but BASED ON WHAT IS BENEFICIAL FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. By doing things based on what you feel or want , you are being submissive to yourself. Remember it is NEVER about you but about others. Remember leaders are only human , mistakes are inevitable. They do not abuse their authority, it's you who is stirring up this unnecessary delusional speculation which makes you forget why you even believe. And If you think how your perspective is right , you are missing the whole point in coming to church. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Would he do what you did? Would he make the same decisions you did?

[Matthew 24:9-10]
9"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,"

In this case, you are persecuting yourself by speculating and breeding mistrust , allowing the devil to gain a strong foothold of you. You are doing exactly what was mentioned , turning away from the faith by the symptoms of betraying and hating each other.

Stop this opposition and follow our leaders. Repent. For by opposing our leaders, you are opposing GOD. If you've not even been a CL yet , what right do you have to judge them ? You don't ask a student to teach a teacher , do you? In addition , by opposing , you are actually being like THE WORLD - the unbeliever.