Sunday, March 7, 2010

Musicman OLP(Red)

Traded my Greco Les Paul for a Musicman OLP (Red) equipped with Dimarzios.
Bought a Shark Effects Warzy Drive Distortion Pedal.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Next up a delay pedal because my digitech digidelay passed away at 1:00 AM on this day. @#$$%^&^*&^%$$%^(*&&%$%@$#@.

Anyway, just an update of what I've been up to lately....
The preposterous yamaha dudes didn't call me. I wanted to work there part time during this holiday season but damn they missed out on a great potential employee. Again , (*&&^%%$##$@#$@^*(&. kthxbye.

P.S I'm still having reminiscences of you. of us.